Pines Aesthetics


Body Treatment

Venus freeze

Venus Freeze™ works by using a combination of Multi-Polar Radio Frequency and Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields. The two technologies work in unison to safely and comfortably heat the tissue under the surface of your skin, which encourages the body to produce more collagen and elastin fibers. This process results in firmer, smoother skin that looks noticeably more youthful on the surface.

Venus Legacy

Venus Legacy™ radio frequency skin tightening, our treatments use Multi-Polar Radio Frequency and Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields to produce heat under the skin’s surface. This process helps to naturally increase collagen and elastin fibers, while also shrinking the volume of fat cells. At the same time, an adjustable pulsed suction (called VariPulse™) on the skin-tightening machine gently works to pull the skin upward, allowing the energy to travel deeper and providing more comfortable and effective treatment. The Venus Legacy™ results include a body that looks slimmer and more sculpted, and cellulite that almost disappears.


Ultrasonic cavitation is a non-invasive body contouring treatment that uses low-frequency ultrasound waves to break down fat cells. The procedure involves applying pressure on fat cells through ultrasonic vibrations. The pressure is high enough to make the fat cells break down into a liquid form. The body can then get rid of it as waste through your urine. Ultrasonic cavitation is different than other similar treatments, like ultrasound liposuction, because it doesn’t require any incisions. This means recovery is easier.

Radio frequency

Radiofrequency body contouring is also called skin tightening. Radiofrequency body contouring tightens the skin, removes fat and improves tone without any downtime or pain at all. This pain-free procedure reduces cellulite, boosts collagen production and gets rid of fatty deposits that fail to go with exercise. If you have flabby skin, a post pregnancy tummy, fine lines or wrinkles, saddle bags or a sagging bum, radiofrequency body contouring is meant for you.

Velashape I

VelaShape® combines several technologies: suction, infrared light and bipolar radiofrequency energy. The suction, which is accompanied by rollers, draws the target area closer to the infrared and radiofrequency energy. The rollers massage the area while the infrared and radiofrequency energy melt the fat cells that the body’s excretory system then expels. VelaShape® also stimulates the collagen fibers, so they contract and pull the skin tighter. VelaShape®, thus, reduces both cellulite and the circumference of the treatment site. The client is slimmer and their skin is tauter without the dimpling effect of cellulite.

Velashape III

VelaShape III is a completely non-invasive body contouring procedure. It works to effectively reduce fat and cellulite in areas that are often hard to treat with diet and exercise alone, which first uses a small vacuum to elevate the skin and then treats it with infrared light and radiofrequency energy. The energy produces heat below the surface of the skin, treating the underlying fat and tissue while leaving the surface unharmed. Treatments typically last an hour, and patients can return to their normal activities immediately with no downtime or pain.

Vacuum Therapy

Vacuum Therapy stimulates the muscles, breaks the cellulite and fat deposits, removes toxins, and improves lymphatic drainage. Vacuum therapy also helps restore the natural elasticity of the skin to soften the appearance of facial wrinkles and “orange peel” dimples as well as on the thighs and buttocks area. This therapy is painless, safe, and highly effective.

Madero Therapy

Cellulite removing technique that involves different wooden elements in a series of frequent movements. This therapy stimulates the lymphatic system and assist in freeing accumulated toxins, fat, and cellulite.


Ultrasonic cavitation is a non-invasive body contouring treatment that uses low-frequency ultrasound waves to break down fat cells. The procedure involves applying pressure on fat cells through ultrasonic vibrations. The pressure is high enough to make the fat cells break down into a liquid form. The body can then get rid of it as waste through your urine. Ultrasonic cavitation is different than other similar treatments, like ultrasound liposuction, because it doesn’t require any incisions. This means recovery is easier.


Carboxytherapy is the injection of carbon dioxide gas underneath the skin. This treatment is used to reduce cellulite, stretch marks, and dark circles under the eyes. It can also be used as part of treatment for wound healing. Carbon dioxide brings additional oxygen into the area and dilates the blood vessels where it is injected to improve the overall appearance of your skin.


EMSCULPT uses patented HIFEM (High Intensity Focused Electro-Magnetic) technology similar to an MRI device to induce powerful muscle contractions that are not achievable with crunches or sit-ups. One treatment is equivalent to 20,000 crunches or squats. When exposed to these powerful contractions, the skin remains unaffected, while the energy penetrates to the fat and muscle layers. As a result, your body responds with a deep remodeling of its inner structure for muscle building and body sculpting.

Morpheus8 Body

Morpheus8 Body is an FDA-approved radiofrequency microneedling technology that is designed for deep tissue remodeling. The Morpheus8 Body device has 40 thin, gold-coated microneedles that can deliver radiofrequency energy to large areas quickly and efficiently, making “micro-injuries” into the skin. This process stimulates the production of collagen and elastin to remodel the skin. With RF energy added to the treatment, collagen production is even more heavily triggered, and this simultaneously liquefies small pockets of fat and tightens sagging skin. At the same time, it improves the tone and texture of the skin, and reduces the appearance of cellulite, scars and stretch marks.